Best logos arise from detailed analysis of type
Let’s explore different logotype modification techniques
When customers want me to develop a logo for their company, I always start talking about what type of “logo” they require. Often a logo and a logomark are produced of a logo. However, not every company requires both.
A logotype stands for words or the name of a business that is designed in a customized way.
A logomark is an identifying mark or symbol that doesn’t contain the business name, like a drawing or image that represents the business.
When the logotype is made appropriately, a logomark is not necessarily needed. A logo may be quite strong with typography alone, which makes a logo recognized and powerful.
Yet a good logotype is not a simple typeface, it has an aspect that does not allow anybody to type in the logo.
Logotypes can are modified by using one or all of the following techniques:
Leading: Leading is a fundamental feature of the design that affects the vertical spacing of the text. You would like to make sure that the distance between the bottom of the words above and the end of the words below is suitable for material that contains numerous lines of a readable text.
Kerning: Kerning also modifies spacing, but of two letters of distance. Set together too tightly, words are understood; set out too far and read it is uncomfortable. Worse, however, it may be disappointing for someone to read without a clear comprehension of what is wrong if some letters are broader and others are less distant.
Tracking: Tracking for kerning is often misleading, although the notion differs somewhat. Tracking requires the complete word to alter the spacing. Once the correct distance between each letter is discovered, tracking may be used to adjust the distance between each letter at once with considerable restriction.
Tracking is employed typically to occupy a space bigger or smaller than the boundaries of the type or to create an airy and striking single word. When altering the tracking you should be very careful as it might lead to problems reading swiftly.
Whether you’re designing a website or a typeface, it’s worth knowing these concepts and how to wield them to improve your typography.
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